Galit Bineth | The Department of Political Science

Galit Bineth

Galit  Bineth
Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation title:The Contribution of the Vocational Education to the city: Urban Identity, Reducing Inequalities and Urban Educational Policies
Supervisor: Prof. Avner de-Shalit and Prof. Momi Dahan
My research emanates from the efforts of local authorities in the social and geographical periphery to deal with economic and social disparities, spatial polarization, low economic mobility and inter-regional negative migration of ambitious young people. The study examines the unique influence of combining theoretical learning with practical experience in place-based vocational technological education and its potential positive impact on the individual, the municipality and the broader society. The study traces the processes of identity formation of adolescents living in the periphery of Israel in relation to their personal and professional development, their integration into society and the labor market and their future desired place of residence. This research crosses disciplines and seeks to provide empirical data and theoretical insights leading to the formulation of educational and local policies aimed at inclusive growth, increasing equality of opportunity, economic growth and improving life in the social and geographic periphery.