Shaul Shenhav

Shaul Shenhav
Professor, Department of Political Science
Room 23514, Social Science

Shaul R. Shenhav is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the incumbent of the Herbert Samuel Chair in Political Science. His research interests include political narratives, political discourse and Israeli politics. He is the co-founder and co-leader (with Professor Tamir Sheafer) of a lab which develops new methods for automated textual analysis based on a combination of deep learning and expert coding of discourse and narrative elements.

Recent Publications (2018-present)

Oshri O. and Shenhav S.R. (2018). Between continuity and change: The EU's mechanism of differentiated value integration, European Journal of Political Research, 57 (1), pp. 217-237.
Shenhav S.R. (2018) Political narratives in the era of personalization: the State’s Voice in Prime Minister Sharon’s Speeches on the disengagement plan” Israel Studies in Language and Society, a special issue - narrative research in Israel, 11 (2), pp. 37-55 [Hebrew].
Zoizner, A., Shenhav, S.R., Fogel-Dror, Y. and Sheafer, T. (2020). Strategy News Is Good News: How Journalistic Coverage of Politics Reduces Affective Polarization. Political Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10584609.2020.1829762
Amsalem, E., Fogel-Dror, Y., Shenhav, S.R. and Sheafer, T., 2020. Fine-Grained Analysis of Diversity Levels in the News. Communication Methods and Measures, 14(4), pp.266-284.
Shenhav, S. R. (2020). Narrative Analysis. Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel.
Shenhav, S.R., Sheafer, T. Zoizner, A. , van Hoof, A.C, Kleinnijenhuis, J.C, Kaplan, Y.R.S , & Hopmann, D.N.C (Forthcoming). Story incentive: The effect of national stories on voting turnout, European Political Science Review.
Fogel-Dror, Y., Shenhav, S. R., Sheafer, T., & Van Atteveldt, W. (forthcoming). Role-based Association of verbs, actions, and sentiments with entities in political discourse. Communication Methods and Measures.
Malka I. R., Shenhav, S.R., Rahat, G. and Hazan, R.Y., (forthcoming). The collective memory of dominant parties in parliamentary discourse. Party Politics.
Fogel-Dror, Yair, Shenhav, Shaul R., Sheafer, Tamir (Forthcoming) A Weakly Supervised and Deep Learning Method for an Additive Topic Analysis of Large Corpora, Computational Communication Research, 3 (1), pp. 27–57.
Sheafer, T., Shenhav, S. R., & Amsalem, E. (2018). International frame building in mediated public diplomacy (edited ByPaul D'Angelo). In Doing news framing analysis 2: Empirical and theoretical perspectives . Routledge.
Sheafer, T., Danjoux, I., Dvir-Gvirsman, S., & Shenhav, S. R. (2019). Visual Spoilers? Peace and Conflict in Israeli Political Cartoons. In Galia Golan
and Gilead Sher (eds.) Spoiling and Coping with Spoilers: Israeli-Arab Negotiations (pp. 118-132) . Indiana University Press.