Doctoral Students


Refael Afriat

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: The effects of divisive discourse in the media on voter attitudes and political polarization
Advisor: Prof. Lilach Nir

Ofir Agai

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Research Subject: Effectiveness in Reporting Regime Design: A Comparative Analysis of AML Regimes in Israel and the UK
Advisor: Prof. David Levi Paor

Tom Alfia

Doctoral student
Dissertation Project Title:" “The Raison D'être of Politics”: Freedom in the Thought of Hannah Arendt"
Doctoral Advisors Prof. Dan Avnon, Dr. Yiftah Elazar
Freedom is one of the central concepts of Hannah Arendt’s philosophy, however Arendt readers usually find it "more than ordinarily obscure".
Yair Amitai

Yair Amitai

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation Project Title: Ideology Vs. Emotions: How Affrctive Polarization Influences Voter Behavior and Ideological Polarization
Supervisor: Prof. Orit Kedar

Eyal Benshimol

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: Centralized and decentralized personalism versus collegiality in executive authorities - causes and results.
Advisor: Prof. Gidi Rahat

Ariel David

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: Intertwined Eastern identity and the party system in Israel
Advisor: Dr. Gayil Talshir

Keren Dinur

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: The influence of future perceptions on conflict reconciliation processes
Advisor: Prof. Dan Miodownik

Amit Eisenman

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: Skeptical Philosophy as a Socio-Political Problem: The Aberdeen Enlightenment and the Dynamics of Doubt
Advisor: Dr. Nicole Hochner, Dr. Yiftah Elazar

Avital Friedman

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: נושא עבודת המחקר: The Balance of Power between the Parliamentary Party Group and Its Individual Representatives: A Cross-Country Analysis of Institutional Personalism in Parliaments
Advisor: Prof. Gidi Rahat
Avishai  Green

Avishai Green

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Posting your values: the construction of political values in digital public spheres
Supervisors: Prof. Limor Shifman & Prof. Shaul Shenhav


Asaf Heiman

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: personal and group politics in local government in a comparative aspect between countries and between different cities
Advisor: Prof. Gidi Rahat

Avi Lafaier

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Study Subject: Political behavior of the expatriates of Amana communities
Advisors: Prof. Orit Kedar and Dr. Tristan Klingelhöfer
Bingchen LIU

Bingchen LIU

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: personalization in Non-democratic regimes in the Middle East
Supervisor: Prof.Gideon Rahat & Dr. Wael Abu- Uksa

I'm a Chinese student who knows both Arabic and Hebrew. My research interests include Personalization, Israeli Arabs and Israeli politics, the relationships between China and the Middle East.


Ilya Lokshin

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
The presumable topic: republican theory of freedom. A (very) tentative version of the title of the thesis: "Clearing the Ground a Little: Revisiting Republican Theory of Freedom".
Supervisor: Prof. Efraim Podoksik.
Shoshana Makover

Shoshanna Makover

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation title: From In Camera to On Camera: The Impact of Transparency on Knesset Committees
Supervisor: Prof. Reuven Hazan

I am a doctoral candidate at the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University. My field of interest is the effect of transparency on the legislative power of Knesset Committees.

Dror Markus

Dror Markus

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Understanding the mechanisms, structures and outbreaks of 'Media Storms
Supervisors: Prof.Tamir Sheafer & Prof.Shaul Shenhav


Gaya Mashiach

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Study Subject: The Confidence Relations in Parliamentary Democracies: A New Perspective on the Dynamics Between Legislatures and Executives
Advisor: Prof. Reuven Hazan