Doctoral Students

Tom Alfia

Tom Alfia

Doctoral student
Dissertation Project Title:" “The Raison D'être of Politics”: Freedom in the Thought of Hannah Arendt"
Doctoral Advisors Prof. Dan Avnon, Dr. Yiftah Elazar
Freedom is one of the central concepts of Hannah Arendt’s philosophy, however Arendt readers usually find it "more than ordinarily obscure".
Tal Alster

Tal Alster

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Conceptualizing and Measuring Egalitarianism in Cities
Supervisors: Prof. Avner de-Shalit, Prof. Michael Shalev
Yair Amitai

Yair Amitai

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation Project Title: Ideology Vs. Emotions: How Affrctive Polarization Influences Voter Behavior and Ideological Polarization
Supervisor: Prof. Orit Kedar
Itamar updated

Itamar Ben-Ami

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: The Schmittian Jews: Leo Strauss, Isaac Breuer and the Invention of Jewish Theological Politics
Supervisors: Prof. Dan Avnon and Prof. Menachem Lorberbaum (TAU)


Galit  Bineth

Galit Bineth

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation title:The Contribution of the Vocational Education to the city: Urban Identity, Reducing Inequalities and Urban Educational Policies
Supervisor: Prof. Avner de-Shalit and Prof. Momi Dahan

Ronny Donyetz Rosenzweig

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation title:Factors that affect political leaders' decision making: Emotional Intelligence, Group Dynamic and Decision Rule
Supervisor: Prof. Alex Mintz and Prof. Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom
Nitzan  Faibish

Nitzan Faibish

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation Project Title: Spontaneous interactions between individuals from conflicting groups in shared geographic areas in polarized cities
Supervisor: Prof. Dan Miodownik

Netta Galnoor

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Legitimacy for Military Violence: Battle Missives in the Israel Defense Forces 1948-2014
Supervisor: Prof. Dan Avnon

Avishai  Green

Avishai Green

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Posting your values: the construction of political values in digital public spheres
Supervisors: Prof. Limor Shifman & Prof. Shaul Shenhav

Jingjie  He

Jingjie He

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation title:Chinese Lessons from Middle Eastern Wars
Supervisor: Prof.Yitzhak Shichor
Jingjie He is a Ph.D. candidate at the HUJI Department of Political Science. Jingjie studies international relations with a focus on international security, the Middle East, and China. Her dissertation analyzes the impact of Middle Eastern wars on the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Bingchen LIU

Bingchen LIU

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: personalization in Non-democratic regimes in the Middle East
Supervisor: Prof.Gideon Rahat & Dr. Wael Abu- Uksa

I'm a Chinese student who knows both Arabic and Hebrew. My research interests include Personalization, Israeli Arabs and Israeli politics, the relationships between China and the Middle East.

Shoshana Makover

Shoshanna Makover

Doctoral student, department of Political Science
Dissertation title: From In Camera to On Camera: The Impact of Transparency on Knesset Committees
Supervisor: Prof. Reuven Hazan

I am a doctoral candidate at the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University. My field of interest is the effect of transparency on the legislative power of Knesset Committees.

Dror Markus

Dror Markus

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Understanding the mechanisms, structures and outbreaks of 'Media Storms
Supervisors: Prof.Tamir Sheafer & Prof.Shaul Shenhav


Natan Milikowsky

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: “Minority” in political theory – a sociological or political concept?
Supervisors: Prof. Shlomi Segall and Dr. Yiftah Elazar

Netta Moshe

Netta Moshe

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title:Unpacking the Road: How Do Migration Journey Political and Geographical factors affect Asylum Seekers Destination Choice?
Supervisors: Prof. Dan Miodownik
Yarden Niv

Yarden Niv

Doctoral student, Department of Political Science
Dissertation title: Moral experts in public decision-making processes
Supervisors: Prof. Shlomi Segall, Prof. Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan

I am a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University. I hold a Master’s degree in political science (magna cum laude) and a Bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy (magna cum laude), both from the Hebrew University.