Tenure-Track Position in Political Science

The Department of Political Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites applications for a tenure-track position* (open rank), beginning fall 2022. We welcome applications in all fields of political science, and seek outstanding candidates with a record of excellence in research. Junior and senior scholars with a PhD in political science are encouraged to apply. ABD’s are expected to have their dissertation approved no later than October 1st 2022.


The Department of Political Science is committed to equal opportunities. Applicants from groups under-represented in our faculty, including women and minorities, are encouraged to apply. 


To apply, please submit the following materials:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Scientific biography outlining research orientation and plans for the coming years
  • Electronic copies of up to three writing samples
  • List of courses the candidate can teach at the undergraduate and graduate level
  • Teaching evaluations, if available
  • A letter of intent stating willingness to begin teaching in the fall of 2022


Additionally, three letters of recommendation should be submitted directly to the Search Committee (via the website listed below).

The language of teaching at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Hebrew, though some courses are taught in English. New faculty members are expected to be able to teach in Hebrew within a few years of their arrival.


The deadline for applications is September 28th, 2021.  Candidates selected by the Department will compete with candidates from other departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences for available positions.

Please submit all application materials electronically at: http://ttp.huji.ac.il

For inquiries concerning the search please contact Prof. Orit Kedar at orit.kedar@mail.huji.ac.il.
* In special cases of full professorship, tenure will be granted.